The One With The Pregnancies

Written by: The Teenage Friends Freak

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me, but to Bright, Kaufman and Crane Productions and Warner Bros. Their use is not intended for profit, only for entertainment.

Note: This fanfic takes place about a month after my last one, "The
One With The Surprise Party"

Scene:  Rachel's bedroom. Rachel is counting days in her diary.

Rachel:  Thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three. Thirty-three! (she looks at her closet; as she does so, she realizes something and starts rifling through the pages until she finds the entry she's looking for. She checks the date.) Oh my God!


Scene:  Chandler's bedroom. Chandler and Monica are lying on the bed.

Monica:  Chandler?

Chandler:  Yes?

Monica:  I was thinking we could tell the others about the baby tomorrow.

Chandler:  Why tomorrow?

Monica:  I don't know, I just thought, y'know, if we have to tell them anyway why not tomorrow?

Chandler:  Well, that's fine with me. Why not today?

Monica:  I don't know. I just don't feel like doing it today.

Chandler:  OK. (after a pause) Can I ask you something?

Monica:  Sure.

Chandler:  Do you think we should get married?

Monica:  (after a pause) Well I suppose it would be pretty weird to have a kid and not be married. (another pause) OK!

Chandler:  Really? Are you sure?

Monica:  Of course I'm sure! I wouldn't have said yes if I wasn't, would I? Anyway you ARE the cutest guy on earth. How could I say no?

[they kiss]

Scene:  The girl's apartment. Rachel is about to go out as Ross and Phoebe come in.

Phoebe:  Hi Rach. Where are you going?

Rachel:  Um, work.

Ross:  Aren't you a bit early?

Rachel:  Yeah, but I have to do something I didn't do yesterday. Bye! (she rushes out)

[Phoebe and Ross look at the door for a minute, puzzled. Then they look at each other and shrug]

Phoebe:  So, how's Ben?

Ross:  He's great. Can you believe it, he's gonna start kindergarten next year!

Phoebe:  I know, it seems like yesterday when we were all in that hospital.

Joey:  (entering) Hey!

Phoebe & Ross:  Hey!

Phoebe:  Anyway, I was gonna ask if either of you would pose for my painting?

Joey:  What painting Pheebs?

Phoebe:  Oh, I'm doing this painting class, you know, like the literature class I took. And we have to do a painting of one of our best friends, so...

Joey:  I'll do it. I mean, there's nothing else for me to do.

Phoebe:  OK! We'll start tomorrow then, say round two o'clock?

Joey:  OK.

Scene:  The girl's apartment, later on. Rachel comes in, looks around, and takes off her coat.

Rachel:  Monica? (when no-one answers, she grabs her bag and rushes into the bathroom. We see her getting out a pregnancy test)

[Cut to a few minutes later. Rachel runs screaming out of the bathroom and into her bedroom]

Scene:  The girl's apartment, the next morning. Everyone is there eating breakfast.

Monica:  Um, would everyone listen to me a minute please?

All:  Sure, what's up, etc.

Monica:  Me and Chandler have something to tell you.

Chandler:  Two things actually.

Phoebe:  What things?

Monica:  I was getting to that. OK, first, we're getting married.

All:  Oh my god! Congratulations! etc.

Monica:  OK, and the second thing is, I'm pregnant.

[Rachel chokes on her cereal]

All:  Wow! Congratulations! etc.

[Everyone hugs her]

Phoebe:  So, how long have you been pregnant?

Monica:  (relieved that no-one is mad at her) About a month.

Ross:  This is so great! I mean, Ben will have a cousin! You've gotta tell mom and dad!

Monica:  Please, I've only just told you guys. And I don't want mom fussing about me yet.

Joey:  So, do you want a boy or a girl?

Chandler:  We don't really mind.

Monica:  I'm just so glad I'm finally having a kid! Remember how  jealous I was when Ross had Ben?

Chandler:  Well, we did make a pact that we would have one together if we weren't married by the time we were forty.

Phoebe:  Well you will be married when you're forty now.

Joey:  Hey, maybe they could get a divorce, have a kid and re-marry!

Chandler:  Yeah, that's a great idea Joe.

[Rachel, who has been very quiet during the whole exchange, suddenly stands up]

Rachel:  Excuse me, but I don't feel too good! (she rushes to the bathroom)

Joey:  Hey, you could almost think she was the pregnant one!

Scene:  The guy's apartment. Phoebe is getting ready to paint Joey.

Phoebe:  OK, could you just like, sit in a chair or something?

Joey:  Sure. (he sits on the chair and flips the footrest up)

Phoebe:  OK, Joey, put the footrest back down. I don't want people to think I'm friends with couch potatoes.

Joey:  But you are!

Phoebe:  Yeah, but it's not good for my image.

Joey:  Can't you just imagine the footrest down?

Phoebe:  No! I have to paint the picture as it is in reality. (Joey puts the footrest down and she starts to paint)

[Joey starts tapping his hands on his pants]

Phoebe:  Joey, stop moving!

Joey:  I'm bored!

Phoebe:  I don't care!

Joey:  Look, can I at least switch the TV on?

Phoebe:  (after a pause) OK.

[Joey switches the TV on. There's a really exiting show on so he starts jumping up and down excitedly]

Phoebe:  Joey!

Joey:  Sorry.

Scene:  Ross' apartment. Carol is dropping Ben off.

Ross:  Hey, guess what! Ben's gonna have a cousin!

Carol:  Really?

Ross:  Yeah, Monica's pregnant! And you know, I think it's a good thing because they'll be able to play together.

Carol:  Did you hear that Ben? You're getting a cousin!

Ben:  What's a cousin?

Ross:  It means your aunty Monica's gonna have a baby.

Ben:  Will it play football with me?

Ross:  Maybe when it's older.

Ben:  Cool!

Carol: (to Ross) Listen, do you think you could look after him for a whole week?

Ross:  Yeah, sure! Why?

Carol:  Well, me and Susan wanted to have a summer holiday. So in about two months time?

Ross:  (exited) OK!

Carol:  Great! Bye then!

Ross:  Bye!

Ben:  Bye-bye mommy!

[Carol leaves]

Ross:  (quietly, to himself) Yippee!


Scene:  The girl's apartment. Everyone is there. Phoebe unveils her painting of Joey. Let's just say it isn't very lifelike.

Phoebe:  Well, what do you think?

Monica:  It's, um, original?

Chandler:  Either you're eyes perceive things in a totally different way to normal people's, or, it sucks.

Ross:  It's not that bad. I mean, you can tell it's Joey.

Rachel:  How?

Ross:  By the way it's slouched in a chair in front of the TV eating a sandwich.

[Everyone nods in agreement]