The One Where Rachel Tells Ross


Written by: The Teenage Friends Freak

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me, but to Bright, Kaufman and Crane Productions and Warner Bros. Their use is not intended for profit, only for entertainment.

Note: This fanfic is really just about Ross and Rachel, but if you aren't reading it because of them you had better read this one anyway or you might not understand some of the things in the next one. It takes place just after my last one, "The One With The Pregnancies"

Scene:  The girl's apartment. It's dark, like at the beginning of "The One With The Embryos". We can hear Rachel's voice.

Rachel:  And then I was trying to forget all about it when I found out I was pregnant.

[the camera starts panning towards Rachel's room]

Rachel:  So what am I supposed to do now? I mean, I don't think I would have the heart to get rid of it, and shouldn't I let Ross know? Or should I just run away and not tell anyone?

[the camera zooms in on Rachel, who is lying in her bed with tears in her eyes, talking to a teddy bear she is hugging]


Scene:  Rachel's bedroom, CFE.

Rachel:  Yeah, I know I should tell Ross, but I don't know how he would react. Yeah, OK, he was overjoyed when he found out about Ben. OK, I'll tell him. I will, I promise I will! I'll do it today. Oh, I'm so glad I have you to talk to.

Scene:  Ross' apartment, later that day. Rachel knocks on the door.

Rachel:  (from outside) Ross, can I come in?

[Ross opens the door]

Ross:  Hi Rach! What are you doing here?

Rachel:  Ross, I need to talk to you.

Ross:  What about?

Rachel:  Remember when we got drunk at my birthday party no-one came to?

Ross:  When we-

Rachel:  Yeah.

Ross:  Uh-huh.

Rachel:  OK, well, um, (sighing) Ross, I'm pregnant.

Ross:  What? Oh my God!

Rachel:  (starting to cry) Ross, what am I gonna do?

Ross:  (hugging her) Rach, it's OK. It's gonna be fine.

Rachel:  (now really crying) How is it gonna be OK Ross? We got drunk and we did a stupid thing and now I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do.

Ross:  It's gonna be OK because we're sensible people Rach. We can handle it.

Rachel:  I don't call getting drunk and sleeping with your ex very sensible.

Ross:  Yeah, but we're usually sensible. Anyway, you're supposed to be happy if you're having a kid.

Rachel:  Yeah, I suppose.

Ross:  Have you told anyone else yet?

Rachel:  No, I thought you should know first. Oh Ross, I'm so glad you're not mad about it!

Ross:  Why would I be mad?  I'm having another kid!

[they hug]


Scene:  Central Perk. Everyone is there. Ross and Rachel have just told everyone about the baby.

Monica:  This is so great! I'm so happy for you!

All:  Yeah! Wow! etc.

Phoebe:  Hey, do you know what you're gonna call them yet?

Ross:  Pheebs, they're both only one month pregnant.

Phoebe:  Oh yeah. Hey, you know what would be really cool? If  they were born on the same day. Then you could pretend they were twins and give them names like Lutricia and Patricia or Bill and Ben. (If you don't know who Bill and Ben the flowerpot men are, they were on a kid's TV show in the UK in the '60s)

Monica:  Phoebe, I don't think my parents would like having two grandchildren called Ben.

Phoebe:  OK then, how about Colin and Conen?

Ross:  Emily's husband is called Colin. I don't want to be reminded of that whole stupid incident every time I look at my child.

Phoebe:  Robert and Pubert?

Chandler:  Pubert?

Phoebe:  I was just trying to be helpful.