The One With Ross And Rachel's Honeymoon


Written by: The Teenage Friends Freak

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me, but to Bright, Kaufman and Crane Productions and Warner Bros. Their use is not intended for profit, only for entertainment.

Note: This fanfic takes place right after my last one, "The One With The Weddings" I am writing three fanfics that take place at the same time: "The One With Ross And Rachel's Honeymoon", "The One With Chandler And Monica's Honeymoon", and "The One With Joey And Phoebe ALONE". You can read all of them or just one of them, you will still get the most important parts. Oh, I almost forgot the most important part...I've FINALLY got a web page! OK, OK, it hasn't got much yet, but hopefully it will someday! The address is:

Scene:  Ross and Rachel are sitting in a car on a lonely country road. Ross is driving.

Rachel:  Ross honey, are you sure this is the right road?

Ross:  Yup.

Rachel:  (sees a road sign) Then how come that sign said "Texas 40 miles"?

Ross:  What?! Oh no! (gets out a road map)

Rachel:  (looks at him for a few seconds)  Ross, you're holding it upside down.

[Ross quickly turns the map around]


(because it's Ross and Rachel's honeymoon we only see scenes of them in the titles, i.e. their first kiss)

Scene:  The road. Ross is asking a passerby for directions as Rachel sits in the car filing her nails.

Ross:  OK, thanks. (he gets back in the car)

Rachel:  So, where are we?

Ross:  Um, yeah, he doesn't know.

Rachel:  What?!

Ross:  Apparently he's just as lost as we are.

Rachel:  Great! Y'know, I bet this isn't happening to Chandler and Monica.

Ross:  Probably not. This kind of thing only happens to us. Our life is like one big comedy show.

Rachel:  No, because THIS isn't funny.

Ross:  It would be if you saw it on TV. (she glares at him) Maybe.

Rachel:  So what are we gonna do now?

Ross:  Um, how about we just drive in one straight line?

Rachel:  Why?!

Ross:  Well, all roads lead somewhere. If we keep following one we're bound to get to a place with people who aren't lost.

Rachel:  OK...

[Ross starts the car up again]

Scene:  Five hours later. Ross is still driving, looking very bored. Rachel is asleep.

[Ross turns on the radio. "I'll Be There For You" is on. Ross listens for a few seconds, then laughs. The noise wakes Rachel up]

Rachel:  What?

Ross:  I was just thinking how well this song describes our lives. It's almost surreal.

[Rachel listens for a moment]

Rachel:  Yeah, you're right. Isn't this the theme song to that cool comedy show?

Ross:  What, "Friends"?

Rachel:  Yeah! What are the character's names again?

Ross:  Um, Raquel, Martha, Penny, Jamie, Charles, and Russ.

[they look at each other]

Both:  Surreal!

Ross:  Listen, it's getting kinda dark. Shall we pull over or shall we drive some more?

Rachel:  Lets pull over. Tomorrow we can try to find a city. Or a town. Or a village. Or whatever.

Ross:  OK. (he pulls the car over) Shall I try to find something for a blanket?

Rachel:  Yeah, thanks.

Ross:  OK. You just make yourself comfortable. (thinks a bit) Or just make yourself not uncomfortable. Whatever. (he gets out of the car and gets a suitcase out of the back)

Rachel:  Well, it's been GREAT so far. Let's see, lost, dark, no food,...could be worse I suppose. Possibly. If I REALLY over stress my imagination.

[Ross finds their dressing gowns in the suitcase. He holds them up]

Ross:  Will these do?

Rachel:  (looking)  Probably better than anything else. Come on, I'm getting lonely.

[Ross gets in the car, sits next to Rachel, and hands her her dressing gown]

Ross:  It's not that bad. We've got each other.

Rachel:  I suppose...

Ross:  Come here.

[they hug, and stay in each other's arms as the camera pans out. They look very cute]

Scene:  The next morning. Ross and Rachel are driving again.

Rachel:  Stop! Look, it's a truck!

[Ross pulls over to where a man is leaning against a truck, looking at a map]

Ross:  Excuse me, do you know where we are?

Man:  Do people who know where they are need maps? I am totally lost.

Ross:  Not again!

Man:  Do YOU know where we are?

Ross:  Do people who know where they are ask for directions?

Man:  Good point.

Ross:  Oh well. Nice meeting you.

Man:  Wait, you don't need any food do you? I'll never get this lot there on time now, and you shouldn't waste good food.

Ross:  Well, actually...

Scene:  The car. Ross and Rachel are driving again, but this time the back seat is full of fast food.

Rachel:  I STILL think you shouldn't have taken so much.

Ross:  Rach, come on, FREE fast food? Joey would die for this!

[Rachel looks on, resigned]

Scene:  The car. 4 days later, i.e., what would have been the last night of their honeymoon. It's dark again. Ross and Rachel are leaning against the car, looking at the stars.

Ross:  Remember the first time we looked at the stars together?  They weren't real stars, but still...

Rachel:  Ross, I am NEVER gonna forget that. It was one of the best days of my life.

[Ross reaches inside the car and turns the radio on. "With Or Without You" starts playing]

Rachel:  (smiling)  It's our song.

Ross:  Care to dance?

[they dance to the music as the camera pans out and then upwards towards the stars]

Scene:  The car, the next morning. Ross and Rachel are driving again.

Rachel:  I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with...(sees something up ahead) CITY!

Ross:  What?! Where?

Rachel:  Those skyscrapers up ahead!

Ross:  Woohoo! We are FINALLY going home!

[the engine splutters, then stops]

Ross:  Or not.

Rachel:  Great! Just when we find a city, we can't get to it! Life is cruel.

Ross:  I know!

Rachel:  Wait! What are you supposed to do when you break down?

Ross:  Call the-. Oh no...

[they both look at Ross's cell phone, which has been lying on the dashboard the whole time]


Scene:  Central Perk. Ross and Rachel enter, the rest of the gang is sitting on the couch, talking to someone else who is there. She turns until you're just about to see her face, then we cut to Rachel.

Rachel:  (weakly) Oh my God...

Stella:  Hi Rach!