The One With All The Moving

Written by: The Teenage Friends Freak

Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me, but to Bright, Kaufman and Crane Productions and Warner Bros. Their use is not intended for profit, only for entertainment.

Note:  This fanfic takes place a week after my last one, "The One
Where They Want Him To Realize"

Scene:  Central Perk. Monica and Phoebe are sitting on the couch as Rachel comes in and sits in the armchair.

Rachel:  Hi!

Monica & Phoebe:  Hi Rach!

Rachel:  Y'know, I never really got to thank you for helping me with the Ross thing, so, thank you thank you thank you ever so much!

Monica:  That's OK.

Phoebe:  Yeah, it was no problem.

Monica:  So have you packed all your stuff yet?

Rachel:  Yeah, almost.

Monica:  And you Pheebs?

Phoebe:  Yup.

Monica:  OK, I think it's time to start moving!


Scene:  The girl's apartment. Everyone is there. There are boxes on the floor.

Monica:  OK, are we all ready?

All:  Yes.

Monica:  Then let's start moving!

[Everyone picks up a box and goes out the door]

Monica:  Wait for me! I need to lock the door!

Ross:  You're not gonna lock the door every time we leave are you?

Monica:  Something might get stolen!

Rachel:  Well why doesn't one of us stay here? I'll do it if no-one else wants to.

Monica:  You're just saying that so you don't have to do any work.

Phoebe:  We could take it in turns, you know, every time someone comes back they take over from the person here.

All:  OK.

Rachel:  Can we get moving now?

All:  Yeah. Sure. etc.

Scene:  The girl's apartment, later on. Ross is there as Monica and Rachel enter. (in that order)

Rachel:  Ha! I get to stay again!

Monica:  Only because you wouldn't come in before me.

Rachel:  I still got here after you!

Monica:  You were cheating!

Ross:  Why don't you both stay here this time? I think you could do with a break.

Monica & Rachel:  Good idea!

Scene:  Ross's apartment. Rachel's stuff has all been moved in. Everyone is lying around, exhausted.

Rachel:  Thank you for helping us. I don't think we could of done it all by ourselves.

All:  That's OK. Anytime. etc.

Monica:  You realize we'll have to do this all again tomorrow.

[everyone groans]

Scene:  The guy's apartment, the next day. There are more boxes on the floor and the doors to both apartments are open. Everyone except Phoebe (who is driving a rented van full of her stuff from her apartment) is there.

Monica:  OK, we're moving two sets of stuff today, but it's not gonna be as bad as yesterday because Chandler's stuff just has to go across the hall and Phoebe's stuff is just going up the stairs, so let's get moving!

[everyone pushes a few boxes into what from now on I will call Chandler and Monica's apartment and soon all Chandler's stuff is moved]

Monica:  OK, Phoebe's stuff!

Scene:  Chandler and Monica's apartment. Everyone is eating dinner.

Rachel:  So, no more moving!

Chandler:  (lifting his glass of wine) To no more moving!

All:  No more moving!


Scene:  Ross and Rachel's bedroom. They are asleep, but Rachel wakes up, looks at Ross, smiles, and closes her eyes again.